No, Not Crazy
We’ve all experienced invalidation that makes us question ourselves and sometimes, even feel a little crazy. From relationships to healthcare, from workplaces to spiritual communities, from media influence to societal bias and more, No, Not Crazy will explore the messages we internalize, their effects on our lives, and the ways we can free ourselves from them.
Sharing stories and speaking with experts, we’ll dig into the experiences that dismiss our truths and undermine our knowing.
Join educator and coach, Jessica Hornstein, as we learn how to better validate ourselves and others so, together, we can all feel a little less crazy.
18 episodes
Breaking Stigmas and Reclaiming Your Mental Health with Juliet Kuehnle, MS, NCC, LCMHCS
Find out what to look for in a therapist. Recognize how language shapes your perceptions and beliefs in hidden ways. Let’s understand the validity of all feelings without judgment! Juliet Kuehn...
Season 1
Episode 17
Being at Peace While Living with Anxiety with Laura Rhodes-Levin, LMFT
How to treat yourself with kindness and encouragement, acting as the supportive parent you may not have had. How to soften your inner critic and replace self-criticism with compassion. Understand the distinction...
Season 1
Episode 16
Creating Secure Attachment and Safe Relationships with Jennifer Nurick
Using somatic awareness to self-regulate and mindfully react in moments of emotional intensity. How addressing your younger parts can unburden past traumas that are affecting your relationships. Gain strategies...
Season 1
Episode 15
Following the Trail to Your Truth with Dr. Tom Garcia
How we can quiet the ego’s loud, judgmental voice and listen to our gentler voice of intuition and spirit for guidance.Find out the three most important questions you can ask yourself and how to get to meaningful answers....
Season 1
Episode 14
Managing Stress and Embodying Resilience with Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe
Why sometimes “How can I not make this worse?” is the best question to ask.Understand that stress should not be viewed as a failure, but as valuable information from our bodies.How we can build and strengthen resilience, ...
Season 1
Episode 13
Why Self-Healing Is Generational Healing with Tracey Yokas
Why your healing can't be reliant on others, even if they are part of the original harm. What helping your children looks like and why it may not be what you think. Why courage is sometimes necessary for compas...
Season 1
Episode 12
Domestic Abuse: Understanding Its Wide Scope and Profound Effects with Sybil Cummin
Recognize that domestic violence includes physical, emotional, financial, sexual, verbal, and even spiritual forms of abuse. Why staying together for the children generally does not protect them physically or emotionally.&nb...
Season 1
Episode 11
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Bre Clark
Explore how imposter syndrome manifests in both our personal and professional lives. Understand the relationship between imposter syndrome and anxiety and depression. Find out what tools will help you challenge ...
Season 1
Episode 10
The Transformational Power of Affirmation and Altruism with Dr. Harvey Hornstein
What do you think—are humans inherently aggressive or inherently altruistic? Think about how to facilitate cooperative teams and communities which make all members feel heard and valued. What can we do to activ...
Season 1
Episode 9
Leaning into Your Longing with Jessica Hornstein
Examine the belief that reaching for your deepest desires is riskier than staying in your familiar, stuck place. The important distinction we must make which illuminates our obstacles to longing. Hear about th...
Season 1
Episode 8
Taking Charge of Change in Our Lives with Dr. Anancia Stafford
The transformative force of letting go: making space to embody a more expansive and fulfilled version of yourself. How to step into your power and start aligning your choices with the belief that you deserve the life you desi...
Season 1
Episode 7
Reconciling Feminism and Faith with Meghan Tschanz
How it’s possible, within a faith-based context, to validate and connect with others who have different beliefs and heal divisions. Why asking questions should be an integral part of faith systems and why that scares the patr...
Season 1
Episode 6
Choosing Your Truest Self in the Face of Uncertainty with Gabriel Ayuso
Identifying signs that you are not embodying the fullest expression of yourself. Why you can move forward when you stop fearing your fear. How to begin naming an undefined feeling that your life is out of alignm...
Season 1
Episode 5
Embracing Your Sexual Agency with Dr. Juliana Hauser
Finding your Yeses and Nos: What questions you’ll want to ask yourself to learn more about your sexuality. Why sexuality is the final frontier of human development and essential to the full expression of who you are.
Season 1
Episode 4
Transforming Ourselves and Our World in Dark Times with Andrew Harvey
Learn about Andrew's devastating experience within a spiritual community and the growth that arose from it. Discovering the love, joy, power, stamina, passion, and beauty within yourself that connects you directly to your div...
Season 1
Episode 3
Building A Healthy Self-Concept in an Invalidating World with Jeff Brown
What is the role of finding our sacred purpose in validating ourselves? And how do we find it? Understand the way in which our survivalist society perpetuates a culture of shame and self-hatred.How showing ourselves ...
Season 1
Episode 2
Why Invalidation Is Making Us Feel Crazy
What is invalidation? Why does it matter to your life? Is it always intentional and malicious?The Invalidation Wound: Find out how it affects us when we internalize invalidating messages from family, friends, partners, institution...
Season 1
Episode 1
No, Not Crazy Introduction
We’ve all experienced invalidation that makes us question ourselves, and sometimes, even feel a little crazy. From relationships to healthcare, from workplaces to spiritual communities, from media influence to societal bias and more, No, Not Cr...
Season 1
Episode 0